Sabine Parish Library Policies
Check Out Policies:
• Present a valid SPL library card – see “How to Get A Library Card” at http://www.sabine.lib.la.us/pages/get-your-library-card
• Books and Audio Books may be checked out for a period of 2 weeks.
• 4 DVDs may be checked out for a period of 7 days. Patron must be 18 years old to check out video materials.
Renewal Policies:
• Material should be returned in a timely manner, but if an extension is needed, an item/items may be renewed by presenting your library card at the library or by calling the branch from which the material is borrowed and giving your card number.
• Materials which have been reserved by another patron will not be renewed. If you need the item again, you may reserve it upon its return.
Reserve Policy:
• If an item is checked out, a patron may request that item to be held for him/her upon its return to the library. In the event more than one patron reserves an item, they are held on a first come, first serve basis. A reserved item may not be renewed.
Library Card Replacement Fees:
1st Card Free
2nd Card $1.00
3rd Card $2.00
4th Card $5.00
Subsequent Cards $5.00
Computer Use and Electronic Resource Policies
It is one of the library’s missions to provide patrons with the best and most current possible resources. It is the library’s desire to offer access to electronic resources for the use of all the citizens of Sabine Parish.
Electronic Resources and Users Responsibility
Use of public computers is considered a privilege and is intended primarily for information and research. Equal access to that information is a cornerstone of the library’s mission. These on-line resources contain a wealth of valuable information. However users should be aware that information might be inaccurate, outdated, or offensive. Your use of these resources carries with it responsibility to evaluate the quality of the information accessed. Parents, not the library, are responsible for the use of these resources by their children.
Computer Use Procedures
• Use of computers will be on a first-come basis and the user must sign in at the checkout desk before using the computer. Because of the limited number of workstations available, time limits will be imposed. Each user is limited to 2 hours of computer time per day. If demand is high the staff may impose a time limit of 30 minutes for those using the computers for entertainment purposes in the event that another patron needs time for research or vital information. No appointments will be taken.
• Children under 18 will be required to have a signed parental consent form when using computers.
• Copies can be made from workstations. Please use the Print Preview under File to be aware of the number of pages to be printed and limit to pages needed. Black/white copies are 10 cents per page, color 1.00 per page.
• Computers are intended to be used by one person. If necessary, two people may sit together and work at a computer. If there are disruptions due to overcrowding, the library staff will ask the nonuser to leave the computer area.
• Patron may not use library facilities or computers for any activity prohibited by federal, state or local ordinance. Library policy prohibits activities including, but not limited to the following:
* Illegal or criminal purposes
* Sending, receiving, or displaying text or graphics which may reasonably be construed as offensive or obscene
* Installing personal software or copying software from the Internet to the library’s system
* Accessing, uploading or downloading personal information on myspace.com or other social networking sites
For complete computer usage policy please see library staff.