Sabine Parish Library Board June 2022 Minutes
The Library Board of Trustees met on June 16, 2022, at 9:30a.m., for a special meeting. Present: Donna Ammons, Diann Migliore, Kenneth Ebarb, and Sally Maxie. Absent: Lorene Jones, Paula Hardee, and Bonnie Miles. The meeting was called to order by President Donna Ammons. The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Kenneth Ebarb, seconded by Diann Migliore.
New Business:
It was decided to adopt June 20, 2022 as the Juneteenth holiday on a motion by Diann Migliore and seconded by Sally Maxie. All were in favor.
Old Business:
The project to build a new Main Branch was discussed. No new developments were reported. The renderings are still being prepared and should be ready by the middle of July.
Also discussed were ideas for making the public aware that the Library Renewal Tax will be coming up on a ballot in November. Some of the ideas included speaking at community organizations, distributing educational materials pertaining to Library history and how the system is maintained. It was suggested that educational pamphlets be added to Summer Reading Program bags.
The next meeting will of the Board will be the regular quarterly meeting and is scheduled for July 21, 2022.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned by a motion from Kenneth Ebarb and seconded by Sally Maxie.
Donna Ammons, President
Deborah Anderson, Secretary