Sabine Parish Library Board March 2022 Minutes
The Library Board of Trustees met on March 17, 2022, at 9:30a.m., for a special meeting. Present: Donna Ammons, Paula Hardee, Bonnie Miles, and Sally Maxie. Absent: Lorene Jones, Diann Migliore, and Kenneth Ebarb. The meeting was called to order by President Donna Ammons. The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Bonnie Miles, seconded by Sally Maxie.
New Business: No new business was brought before the board.
Old Business:
Debbie Anderson reported that the Converse Branch Manager position has been filled by Fran Morris.
The project to build a new Main Branch was discussed. Director Debbie Anderson reported that Mr. Coco was at work on preliminary plans, however, did not have materials ready to be presented at this meeting. He assures the Board that plans will be ready for discussion at the April meeting.
Also discussed were ideas for making the public aware that the Library Renewal Tax will be coming up on a ballot in November. Some of the ideas included speaking at community organizations, distributing educational materials pertaining to Library history and how the system is maintained. A breakdown of millage numbers and how much revenue that they generate was discussed. No decision pertaining to these numbers was made at this time.
The next meeting will of the Board will be the regular quarterly meeting and is scheduled for March 17, 2022.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned by a motion from Paula Hardee, seconded by Sally Maxie.
Donna Ammons, President
Deborah Anderson, Secretary