Sabine Parish Board Meeting January 2022 Minutes
The Library Board of Trustees met on January 20, 2022, at 9:30a.m., for the regular quarterly meeting. Present: Donna Ammons, Lorene Jones, Diann Migliore, Paula Hardee, Bonnie Miles, Kenneth Ebarb. Absent: Sally Maxie. The meeting was called to order by President Donna Ammons followed by prayer. The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Lorene Jones, seconded by Kenneth Ebarb. The Treasurer’s Report was given and accepted on a motion Lorene Jones, seconded by Diann Migliore. Circulation Reports, Computer Use Reports, and Database were given and discussed.
New Business: Upon a motion by Paula Hardee and seconded by Diann Migliore, it was decided unanimously the officers for 2022 remain as follows: President Donna Ammons, Vice-President Lorene Jones, Treasurer Bonnie Miles.
Old Business: The results of the tax renewal were discussed. In light of the failure of the renewal, the Board unanimously decided to request that the Sabine Parish Police Jury rerun the proposition on the November 2022 ballot on a motion by Kenneth Ebarb and seconded by Bonnie Miles. A number of strategies for increasing awareness of the nature of the tax and the fact that it is a renewal of the Library’s operating budget were discussed. It was decided that the Director will explore the possibility of reopening the Pleasant Hill Branch and meet with Library staff to discuss methods and educational materials concerning the history and role of the Library in the community.
Also discussed was the ongoing building project for the Main Branch facility. It was noted that the Architect is still engaged and working on plans. The Board asked to meet with Mr. Coco as soon as possible for an update.
It was decided, in light of the amount of work needed to complete the building project and any decisions regarding the upcoming election, that the Board will meet once a month for the remainder of 2022. The meetings will take place on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 9:30 in the Main Branch. This was unanimously agreed upon on a motion by Diann Migliore with a second by Kenneth Ebarb. The next meeting is scheduled for February 17, 2022.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned by a motion from Lorene Jones and seconded by Paula Hardee.
Donna Ammons, President
Deborah Anderson, Secretary