Sabine Parish Library Board October 2022 Minutes
The Library Board of Trustees met on October 20, 2022, at 9:30a.m., for the regular quarterly meeting. Present: Lorene Jones, Donna Ammons, Diann Migliore, Bonnie Miles, Sally Maxie and Kenneth Ebarb. Absent: Paula Hardee. The meeting was called to order by President Donna Ammons. The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion by Lorene Jones, seconded by Kenneth Ebarb. The Treasurer’s Report was given and accepted on a motion by Kenneth Ebarb, seconded by Salley Maxie. Circulation Reports, Computer Use Reports, and Database were given and discussed.
Old Business:
Director Debbie Anderson reported that Architect Wayne Coco estimates that the project will be ready to put out for bid by November 1, 2022.
New Business:
The Agenda was amended to remove Tax Election Discussion, that was included due to clerical error on a motion by Lorene Jones, seconded by Diann Migliore.
The upcoming Library Tax Election was discussed. The Library reported on the activities of the Friends of Sabine Library activities as well as other preparations being made to educate the public regarding the election.
The proposed 2023 Budget was discussed. However, due to the uncertainty of the outcome of the tax election, a decision could not be made at this time. In light of the November 8 election date, a special meeting will be held on November 9, 2022 at 9:30 to approve a budget for 2023 to be advertised. At that meeting a date for the Open Meeting to adopt the 2023 budget will be set.
All matters put to a vote passed unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned by a motion from Kenneth Ebarb, seconded by Sally Maxie.
Donna Ammons, President
Deborah Anderson, Secretary